
More Topless Art

topless-labelHere’s the label for the Topless CD. As you can see, we love it so much we incorporated it into the banner for this website. It will probably become a T-Shirt, as well.

It’s based on a poster I saw a few years ago in an exhibit of WPA art. In that one, the shadow was being cast by a heavily-muscled arm holding up a big steel hammer. I don’t know how people saw it at the time, but in retrospect I can only admire the weird combination of idealism and naivete. (Side note: if you like this sort of thing, and you’re ever in San Francisco, go check out Coit Tower. The WPA murals that ring the lobby are as much fun to look at as the view from the top.)

The design was done by Jeff Castellana, whom we’ve been working with since last year’s Love & Television EP. He’s sprinkled all kinds of stuff like this throughout the CD packaging. We figure, if you’re gonna make a concept record, you might as well treat it like an actual record, even if CDs themselves are starting to feel old-fashioned.

(Picture of a Coit Tower mural after the jump) Continue Reading »

Webcast Aftermath

So last night was our first experiment with webcasting. Wine Time with Wonderlick, in which Jay and I spent a little over a half hour drinking a fine bottle of Bordeaux, giving each other shit, and responding to comments typed in by viewers, was kinda fun and kinda embarrassing. The high point was probably when a deathbot like the one to the left did an extended dance to “Fuck Yeah!”, a track from Topless that got its world premiere during the episode.

If Stickam’s statistics are to be believed (and our friends at the label who set this webcast up in the first place insist they are), a total of 8,514 people tuned in, though most of those had no clue who we were and just joined because the episode was featured on Stickam’s homepage, then promptly left when they saw how ridiculous it was. Looks like we kept between 500 and 600 people engaged enough to stick with it till we got to the literal and metaphorical dregs.

Which, if we were on tour, we’d consider a pretty successful gig night. But I don’t know what it means in this particular context, or whether we should do one of these again.

It was fun watching some of the people who’d tuned in staring into their own webcams, and heartening to see that they had opened their own bottles of wine, and would raise ther glasses when we did.

If you watched, let us know if it’s worth trying again, or if it was just, you know, stupid.


Video Shoot


I like watching music videos, but I hate being in them. Miming is evil.

Jay’s a little more of a ham than I am, but neither of us feel compelled to spend an inordinate amount of time in our own video. So a bunch of gracious volunteers will be sitting on this couch today, making out to the strains of “This Song is a Commercial” (the chorus, after all, goes, “Gimme a kiss!”).

The original laptop that was going to capture the footage crapped out; and I banged my head on a low ceiling, opening up a nice little gash; and the first couple didn’t show — nice to know that nothing ever really changes, as this has pretty much been the story on every video we’ve ever shot.

This is Lauren Tabak and Alexa Inkeles, producers extraordinaire:


Their production company is called Hi-Fi DIY, which is basically Wonderlick’s aesthetic, so it’s a perfect match.

More shots from the set after the jump.

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New Site


Welcome to the new Wonderlick website. We’ve pre-populated it with some of the recent news from the old site,  various posts from Lick’s Facebook page, and several years’ worth of interviews and reviews. But the real action is in the future — we’ll be turning various widgets on and off and maybe moving things around as we figure out how best to use this thing.

The plan, such as it is, revolves around creating something lively — a place where we can have something close to a real-time conversation with friends, fans and random passers-by. So, please, comment early and often — tell us what you’d like to see more of, what you can do without, weird dreams you’ve had about Jay, and things of that nature.

The Music and Merch sections will be getting tricked out shortly — we just signed a license agreement with Topspin, an amazingly cool and visionary company that provides all kinds of futuristic ways for musicians to share their creations with the public. Basically, all the stuff we’ve been idly experimenting with since 2001 they have turned into a fine science. So, check back often, or hit the RSS feed button up at the top there to stay informed whenever we roll out something new.

In the meantime, if you’re new to the world of Wonderlick, here are some helpful facts:

  • Wonderlick is a band, not a personality test. If you’re looking for Wonderlic without the k, perhaps to find out how the pro football players on your team think, you probably want to go here.
  • The members of the band are, in alphabetical order, Jay Blumenfield and Tim Quirk.
  • Jay and Tim are ably assisted by a producer/engineer/German named Johannes Luley. He has his own website called mysonictemple.
  • Wonderlick’s self-titled debut album originally came out on Future Farmer in 2002. You can listen to it on this website’s Music page and, if you are so inclined, obtain it on this website’s Buy Things page.
  • Wonderlick’s sophomore album comes out on 7/7/09. It is called Topless at the Arco Arena, and can be heard/purchased in the same manner as their debut. You can also read interviews with the band about the making of said album, or reviews of same, on the Press page of this website.
  • There are many explanations for the seven year gap between items 5 and 6 above. These include, but are not limited to, the fact that Jay and Tim are active in other fields. For instance, Jay produces all kinds of TV shows, while Tim is a bona fide executive for an online music company called Rhapsody.

Another Interview

The Topless interviews continue. This one’s on a site called SoundMojo – at least, that’s what it was called when we did the interview. It appears to have transmogrified into WatchMojo in between.

I like this century. I spent my lunch hour talking to Garrick Van Buren for his FirstCrack podcast, and the interview was live on his site two hours later: http://www.firstcrackpodcast.com/archive/first-crack-120-wonderlicks-tim-quirk-on-truth-through-music/

It’s long, and perhaps overly philosophical. It usually takes a decent amount of wine to get me pontificating quite that much.

So, the label is very eager for us to do semi-regular webcasts. In an effort to be accommodating, we will be trying one this Saturday, 5/9, at 7pm PST.

We have no idea what we’re doing here, so we’ll be just as surprised as you if you tune in. We’re calling it Wine Time with Wonderlick, as we will be consuming a bottle of fine Bordeaux during the course of it.

Tune in here: http://www.stickam.com/wonderlick

Looks like “This Song is a Commercial” will be the first single (to the extent that means anything) from the record. Alternative Addiction is offering a free download of the tune.


First Review of Topless

The record doesn’t come out for over two months, but the first review is already live. It’s by that nice guy who interviewed us for Kittysneezes, on the same site. Link on Press page, or just click here.

Pre-Order Campaign Now Over

The name-your-own-price pre-order promotion is now closed. Thanks to everyone who participated – average price turned out to be a whopping $29.13, thanks largely (but not entirely) to several incredibly generous folks who paid over $100.

Lowest donation was $5.00, highest was $500. We decided not to count the lowest and highest donations when calculating the average price for liner-note-inclusion purposes, which brought it down to a still-impressive $23.56.

Yet another press release from the label about the campaign with even more details after the jump.

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